Inquisition In 21st Century America is Allen Greenfield's personal account of how he was thrown out of the Ordo Templi Orientis (Caliphate), an organization once headed by Aleister Crowley.
His critique of the Caliphate "Ordo Templi Orientis" at the beginning of the book is thought provoking and sheds some light on this order and some suspected shortfalls in the organization.
The second half of the book deals with his personal expulsion from the Caliphate "O.T.O." and leads the reader to wonder whether or not the Caliphate "O.T.O." is participating in a silencing of its critics and behaviour most often thought to be associated with Scientologists.
Read this rare account of what goes on behind the scenes in the world of magick and the occult.
Inquisition In 21st Century America is censored in U.S.A. but available from:
Author`s comments about censorship:
*Someone* saw to it that the printer-distributor of this, my version of the story of the
inquisition held by that "certain order of antiquated history" to throw me out could not
very well be removed from print because anything in it is untrue. It is all true. Nor was
it a copy of someone else's work -- allowing for fair use in the course of documenting my case that
I've been slandered, libeled and unjustly expelled, brief quotations from the accusers were
certainly used to demonstrate in their own words, and in my rebuttal to those words, that they
were in gross error. In their usual cowardly fashion, they used this to pressure the book off of the
market. what are they trying
to keep YOU from reading?
What do any people in any age want when they censor dissent? What kind of people do this sort of thing?
And why? Even my detractors should be offended by this.
Allen H. Greenfield