0°. The Minerval Degree. Conception
1. Duration: 7 weeks + 1 week for backlog clearance.
2. Modules:
— Introduction. Magic Worldview.
— Worldview of Thelema.
— Basic Rituals & Practices of Thelema.
— The Minerval Initiation — Initiatory Meditations.
— O.T.O.: History & Documents.

I°. The First Degree. Birth. Man
1. Duration: 6 weeks + 1 week for backlog clearance.
2. Modules:
— The I° Ceremonies of the O.T.O. & the Masonic Analogues.
— The I° Initiation — Initiatory Meditations.
— The Basics of Western Ritualistics.
— Introduction to the Qabalah & Yoga.

II°. The Second Degree. Life. Magician
1. Duration: 6 weeks + 1 week for backlog clearance.
2. Modules:
— The II° of O.T.O.: Origins, Premises, Existentialia & Symbols.
— The II° Initiation — Initiatory Meditations.
— Life in Theory & Practice: Philosophy, Magic, Experiments.

III°. The Third Degree. Death. Master Magician
1. Duration: 5 weeks + 1 week for backlog clearance.
2. Modules:
— The III° of O.T.O.: Masonic Origins & Symbols.
— The III° Initiation — Initiatory Meditations.
— Psychology, Philosophy & Occult Mythology of Death (Rebirth, “Body of Light”, Magic Memory).

IV°. The Fourth Degree. Perfect Magician & Companion of the Holy Royal Arch of Enoch. The Degree of the Council of Princes of Jerusalem Perfect Initiate. The Degree of the Knight of the East & West
1. Duration: 6 weeks + 1 week for backlog clearance.
2. Modules:
— The IV° of O.T.O.: Origins & Masonic Analogues.
— The IV° Initiation — Initiatory Meditations.
— The Perfect Initiate (P. I.) Degree. Instruction.
— Knight of the East & West. Self-Initiation.

V°. The Fifth Degree. Sovereign Prince of the Rose-Croix and Knight of the Pelican and Eagle. Member of the Senate of Knight Hermetic Philosophers, Knights of the Red Eagle
1. Duration: 5 weeks + 1 week for backlog clearance.
2. Modules:
— The V° of O.T.O.: Origins & Symbols.
— The V° Initiation — Initiatory Meditations.
— Knight (Dame) of the Red Eagle. Initiatory Practice.

VI°. The Sixth Degree. Illustrious Knight Templar of the Order of Kadosch & Companion of the Holy Grail. Grand Inquisitor Commander, Member of the Grand Tribunal. Prince of the Royal Secret
1. Duration: 6 weeks + 1 week for backlog clearance.
2. Modules:
— The VI° Ceremony of the O.T.O. & Its Masonic Analogues.
— The VI° Initiation — Initiatory Meditations.
— Self-Initiation into the Degrees of the Grand Inquisitor Commander & the Prince of the Royal Secret.

VII°. The Seventh Degree. Sovereign Grand Inspector General. Member of the Supreme Grand Council
1. Duration: 3 weeks + 1 week for backlog clearance.
2. Modules:
— The VII° of O.T.O.: Origins, Masonic Analogues, Reconstructions.
— Initiatory Work of the VII°. “De Natura Deorum”.

VIII°. The Eighth Degree. Pontiff of the Illuminati
1. Duration: 3 weeks + 1 week for backlog clearance.
2. Modules:
— VIII°: Reconstruction Approaches in Various O.T.O. Lineages.
— Initiatory Practice. “De Nuptiis Secretis Deorum cum Hominibus”.

IX°. The Ninth Degree. Perfect Illuminatus. Initiate of the Sanctuary of the Gnosis
1. Duration: 5 weeks + 1 week for backlog clearance.
2. Modules:
— Sex magic in the West in 19th and early 20th century.
— Rituals & Instructions of the IX° of O.T.O.
— The Development of Sex Magic Ideas After A. Crowley.

X°. The Tenth Degree. Sovereign Grand Master. Supreme and Holy King
1. Duration: 5 weeks + 1 week for backlog clearance.
2. Modules:
— X° — Rex Summus Sanctissimus.
— The Doctrines & Practices of the O.T.O. Antiqua.
— The Typhonian O.T.O. Phenomenon.

XI°. The Eleventh DegreeBaphomet
1. Duration: 3 weeks + 1 week for backlog clearance.
2. Modules:
— A. Crowley’s Ideas Regarding the XI° of O.T.O.
— Reconstruction & Initiation of the XI°.


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